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Essays by EP Family Experts

The Lament of the Work-at-Home Man
Here we are, raising our kids, taking hold of our lives, and striving like the rest of our country's workers to earn a paycheck and make ends meet. It may not be glamorous.... but when my kids come home from school, or my wife returns from work, I'm there to greet them.
by Jeffrey D. Zbar
Startling True Confessions of a Single Mother
These are all things I probably wouldn't share with you in casual conversation, because to say them would be to complain...and everyone knows the first rule for single mothers is No Whining!
by Jay Ann Cox
Humor at Home
Listening to my children and sharing ideas and observations with them has helped their language development. It strengthens our relationship and creates wonderful memories.
by Grace Witwer Householder
Laboring at Home Has A Dual Meaning!
To the uneducated observer, I looked like another pathetically addicted e-mail junkie...but to reach that conclusion would be to miss the point entirely. I will always believe that subscribers to my newsletter were instrumental in saving my newborn's life.
by Azriela Jaffe

Articles by EP Family Experts

by Jeffrey D. Zbar
Home Office The Childcare Solution?
If you’ve been thinking about working at home to save yourself money on childcare, unless your children are school age, don’t bother. If you’ve been considering working at home as a way of supervising your children’s caregivers, then I highly recommend it.
by Judy Lederman
Practical Wisdom for Single Parents, Part II: Raising Your Village
Raising your village is vital for your self-renewal as a human, to your continuing education as a parent, and to nurturing your children as they richly deserve. Demonstrate love and caring for the community that is lucky to have you, and extend the chain of love and goodwill beyond your family.
by Jay Ann Cox
Practical Wisdom for Single Parents, Part 1: Raising Your Village
My point is simply that you have every opportunity you need to make your life and your family life richer and more satisfying, but you gotta work at it!
by Jay Ann Cox
Before Taking That Road...Stop, Look and Listen
"Enough is enough I'm out of here!" How many times have you felt like saying this to your mate? We all feel like handing our spouse walking papers from time to time. We ponder whether it would be easier without the day-in, day-out confrontation of a troubled marriage. Who needs it?
by Jodie Lynn
How to Role Model During Those Stressful Moments
Question: How is the best way for a parent to handle his/her own behavior with children at home during stressful situations? Answers...
by Jodie Lynn

Articles by EP Career Experts

Six Ways to Work-Family Balance
Your home life, finances and career goals will help you determine which work option is best for you at this phase of your life. Here is an overview of the most common full-time and part-time flexible work arrangements to consider.
by Pat Katepoo
Doing the Office Work Without the Office
The world of work has changed. In a matter of approximately a decade, we've seen a dramatic shift in the definition of "office work" and of the "office" — and, most important, the severing of the historic link between the two. As that separation continues — enabled by technology, lifestyle, economic, and values shifts — the implications for managers and business owners explode.
by Gil E. Gordon
Full Time Stay-At-Home Mom to Entrepreneurial Parent ("EP"!): Tips for Easing the Transition
Even if you don't expect to start your business for several years, now is the time to start planning for your re-entry into the workforce including the home office workplace!
by Nancy Collamer
Three Home Career Selection Traps to Avoid
Don't fall prey to the most common traps of aspiring Entrepreneurial Parents. Ask the "Right Question" from the start and don't give up until you answer it!
by Paul and Sarah Edwards
Home Career Selection FAQs
Wondering what business to start, what business to buy, or whether you should make the shift from a full-time job to a home career? These top three FAQs will put you on the right track.
by Paul and Sarah Edwards

Articles by EP Business Experts

New Office-in-Home Rules May Allow You to Take this Tax Deduction
Beginning January 1, 1999, the office-in-home deduction is available not only to those who meet the old guidelines but also to self-employed people who have no other location where they conduct substantial administrative or management activities for their business.
by Jan Zobel, EA
What If You Can't Pay Your Taxes?
Even if you don’t have the money to pay your taxes, file your return on time. The penalty for not filing your tax return on time is 5% a month, whereas the penalty for not paying your taxes on time is only 1/2 of 1% per month.
by Jan Zobel, EA
The Top Ten FAQs About Starting a Business
Answers to the Top Ten questions of many Entrepreneurial Parents wanting to start their first home business.
by Terri Lonier
Evaluating the Home Office Chair That's Right For You - An Evaluation Form
Before you settle down into your office chair, think again. Are you really comfortable? Taking care of yourself is taking care of business!
by Marilyn Zelinsky
The 6 Biggest Myths about Working Solo- and What You Must Do to Overcome Them to Achieve Success
Master the working solo lifestyle by understanding and avoiding the most common pitfalls of starting your own business.
by Terri Lonier
Creating an Effective Web Site
Before you even consider creating a web site, there are quite a few issues you should think through. Here's an article full of usable advice and hypertext inks to start you off with...
by Peter Kent
10 Surprising New Ways to Make Being Online Profitable
...or how history may be stopping your web site from earning money...
by Joe Vitale
When Your Imagination Reaches Out to Touch Someone
When it comes to marketing your home business, your imagination can be your lucky charm. Read how others have used their creativity (and not their money!) to leave a lasting impression, and then exercise your brainstorming muscles!
by Silvana Clark
Shoestring Marketing: Ten Steps to a Successful Internet Business on a Budget
Is your web site pulling in the kind of traffic you hope for? If not, take a few steps in the right direction.
by Joe Spataro
Three Cyber Ad Types
Creating ads for cyberspace takes a different approach than traditional advertising methods. If you'd rather play it safe than be sorry, read on...
by Joe Vitale


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