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NAEP Survey


Name (Optional):

1. Which of the following statements best describes you? (Rate from 1-6, using each number only once -- 1 best describes you.)

I don't need to read any more "tips" and advice on how to run my home career -- there's too much information out there already. But I would LOVE to meet some people that do what I do, and share advice and support in that way.

I don't see having the time to go to meetings, but if the NAEP publications ("A Parent's Guide to Home Business" and subscription to the print version of EPnews) contain pertinent information and "speaks" to me directly, that alone would justify my membership.

I would enjoy actively participating in NAEP by serving on committees and task forces. I like getting involved.

I'm looking to submit articles to NAEP publications so I can exercise my writing skills and spread the word about what I do.

I need an organization that enhances the image of my work choice. I'm tired of not being taken seriously because I work at home.

I want to be part of an organization that shares my values, such as balancing work and life at my own pace, planning long-range career goals that include diverse work options, and having the freedom to pursue my personal and professional goals creatively.

Please indicate other ways you might value an organization for work-at-home parents.



2. Please rate the following membership benefits, on a scale of 1-12. (Use each number only once; 1 is the most valuable benefit NAEP can offer you.)

EPnews, a quarterly print publication, focusing on providing an "idea factory" where members, including experts in the SOHO field, share their stories, tips and advice.

My own Web page at, as part of the EP Showcase at The Entrepreneurial Parent. My Profile Page will explain the type of work I do, type of work I am currently looking for, name of my business & logo if I have one, short bio, "mission statement," and it will also offer advice and inspiration to help aspiring "Entrepreneurial Parents." I can use my page as my web address on business cards, et al., or as an additional address to use for specific purposes if I already have a Web site of my own.

Annual Membership Directory, a referral tool listing the contact info of all members. I'll use the directory to build contacts and contracts, to consider cross-promotional marketing opportunities, and to explore home careers relevant to my skillset.

Monthly local support group through EP Chapters.

Special Interest Groups (by field) within the association to help brainstorm ideas for my business.

Steep discounts off select business services and premium information tools for work-at-home professionals, including: group medical insurance, credit card processing, long distance savings, office supplies, car rentals, etc.

NAEP credentials (certificate & stationary)

Mentorship and Leadership opportunities in association committees and task forces.

Discount on Member-to-member career services offered by a select group of career counselors. Services might include Home Career Counseling; Intrapreneurial Resume Development; Business Start-Up Marketing Analysis; Brochure Writing & Design.

Discount off online seminars and teleconferences for EPs.

Members-only listserv on the Internet where members can interact easily with each other without the fear of being approached by work-at-home scam artists.

Searchable database just for the EP Showcase. Companies looking to hire freelance consultants can search the Showcase for keywords so that those looking for a particular profile could see if yours fits.

Please list any other benefits NAEP can offer you and your home career.



3. If NAEP offered all of the above membership benefits, I would be willing to pay annual dues of no more than:

$40 $60 $75 $100


4. Please rate the following "mission statements," on a scale of 1-4. (Use each number only once; 1 is most closely aligned to you.)

NAEP advocates community-building among work-at-home parents and provides a vital network for contacts.

NAEP advances the highest standards in home-based services.

NAEP promotes career flexibility for parents in economic, occupational and/or personal transition.

NAEP is a networking and career resource for the 15-million strong who are pursuing home-based careers while raising their growing families.

Please fill in the following blank. The National Association of Entrepreneurial Professionals should be an organization that



5. Please indicate whether you would be interested in volunteering on any of the following committees, as NAEP gets off the ground and/or beyond. NOTE: checking a box does not obligate you in any way; this is just to gauge your interest level.

Membership Committee
Communications Committee
Public Relations Committee
Web Site Committee
Special Interest Group Committee
Home Career Planning Committee
Outsourcing Committee
Work Ethics Guidelines Commitee
Other (please specify)
If you checked off more than one committee, please list your first preference.

Special Request: NAEP Spokesperson! -- Media-savvy speaker needed to articulate the benefits to EPs of joining NAEP -- excellent opportunity to promote your own professional services at the same time! Indicate here if you (or anyone you know) may be interested:

NOTE: Please use your browser's BACK button to return to this page after confirmation message.


Thank you for your time, thoughts & support!
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