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"What I love most about being a work-at-home parent is that I get to dance with my kids whenever I'm having a terrific work day. It's not a long trip from the home office to the living room stereo, and who says that 'happy hour' has to happen in a bar with co-workers??"

Lisa Roberts, Fairfield, CT

Lisa's Profile Features:
EP Snapshot
EP: Lisa Roberts
  • Mother to 4 children, ages 2-11
  • Partner to Ron Roberts, a systems professional in corporate America
Contact Info:
Lisa Roberts
The Entrepreneurial Parent
P. O. Box 320722
Fairfield, CT 06432
Phone: 203-371-6212
Fax: 203-371-6212
Email: [email protected]
EP Title(s):
  • Author
  • Founder of The Entrepreneurial Parent
  • Owner of A Creative Type
Previous Career:
  • 3 years as Editorial Assistant for major NYC publishing house (became a Mom young!)
  • B.A. English, Pennsylvania State University
Work Hours/Week: 10-25
Years Working@Home: 11 years
Profile Date: 6/98
Home Career Highlights
Home Biz:
  • The Entrepreneuial Parent, a work-family resource for home-based entrepreneurs
  • A Creative Type, a marketing/communications firm specializing in non-profit organizations and small businesses
Mission: My personal mission statement is to be an advocate for parents who want to work at home so they can be available to their children practically and spiritually, as well as to themselves professionally.
Mission Accomplished: "I just had to write to say 'thank you' a thousand times for your web site. I am pregnant with my second child and it has long been a secret desire of mine to stay home and raise my children myself. Your web site has given me the inspiration to do some research and really make an effort to develop a business that I can do from home." -- an EP visitor
Top Products/Services:
  • the book, How to Raise A Family & A Career Under One Roof: A Parent's Guide to Home Business
  • Copywriting/Graphic Design Services (for print and web site communications)
  • Membership Services
  • Home Career Counseling
Primary Market: Parents of newborn to school-age children.
Home Career Defining Moment: My greatest home career related achievement was having written my book while I was pregnant with my fourth child, and then having it published while I was caring for an infant and in the throes of moving my family to a new house (in a new state). I have never experienced the merging of my work and family life as seamlessly as I did during that year. And what clearly emerges in the aftermath is that as busy as we all were then, none of us were half as stressed as the previous year when I was working outside the home full-time and we were reliant on hired nannies!
Home Career Goal: I need to sift through all the options and opportunities that pop up -- in my mind or through business contacts -- and focus on the ones that are the most promising.

EP Discount

Mention the EP Profiles and you'll receive an autographed copy of my book, How to Raise a Family and a Career Under One Roof: A Parent's Guide to Home Business at the discounted price of $15.00 (including s/h). It's part memoir but mostly a business book, and aims to inspire and educate parents who want to work at home but aren't sure what it takes or what steps to take first (visit book info for more info, and here for reviews). Just send a message to Lisa at [email protected] with the subject heading "EP Profiles" and your preferred contact info, and I'll be in touch soon!

A Voice of Experience

EP Motivating Force:
As a "newbie" SAHM, I needed supplemental income but also needed to feel competent in my work. Since my parenting skills were new and my office skills were solid, I felt working at home offered me personal balance above and beyond the economic support (which was more like icing on the cake!).
EP Musings:
I think 3-year olds are the most fun and the most challenging to have around when you're a work-at-home parent. When my first child was 3, she followed me into the shower with the cordless phone and a client on the other end! When my second child was 3, he plastered the living room wall with his artwork while I discussed a project with my client in the home office. And when my third child was 3, and I told him I would be on TV for the first time, he said, "Mommy, I don't want you to go on! What if I click the channels and can't find you?" (My fourth child is not yet three, but I'll keep you posted!)
EP Advice:
Don't try to be Supermom. It's great to be there when your children are in school plays/concerts, but if you work at home ignore the urge to be Brownie Leader too.
Also, not many of us are born entrepreneurs, and it takes time to become one. If self-doubt settles in, use it to push yourself forward. Learn a new skill, enroll in an adult ed course, outsource to a professional -- but don't give up unless this is really not what you want.

More & Misc.

Favorite Pastime: Nature walks
Favorite Parenting Link:
Favorite Resource Link:
Keywords: home career, career, home business, small business, parenting, business start-up, children, child care, entrepreneur, books
Favorite Quote:
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you don't keep moving."

-- Will Rogers

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