EP Frugal Links
- Web Resources:
- Between Friends http://www.betweenfriends.org/househol.htm
- BottomDollar http://www.bottomdollar.com/
- Cash Management: Prioritizing
your Life http://www.thefrugalshopper.com/articles/cashmgt.html
- Cheap Living for the Frugal
Wannabes http://members.aol.com/Moneymstr/cheap.htm
- The Dollar Stretcher http://www.stretcher.com/dollar/index.htm
- Emazing.com http://www.emazing.com/household/
- Frugal Family Network http://www.frugalfamilynetwork.com/
- The Frugal Life http://www.thefrugallife.com/misc1.htm
- Frugal/Mindful Living Resources
- Frugal Moms http://www.frugal-moms.com/
The Frugal Shopper http://www.thefrugalshopper.com
- A Frugal, Simple Life http://members.aol.com/DSimple/
- Frugal Street http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/alazzia/index.html
- Frugal Tip of the Week http://www.brightok.net/~neilmayo/
- Frugal Tips U.S.A. for Tightwads,
Penny Pinchers, and Cost Cutters http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/2132/money.html
Haley's Hints http://www.haleyshints.com/
- Hints from Heloise http://www.heloise.com/
- Miserly Moms http://www.miserlymoms.com/
- Mothers Online Thrift Shop http://www.motshop.com/
- Personal and Family Finance
- Right On the Money http://www.rightonthemoney.org/
- Suze Orman, author of The
Courage to Be Rich http://www.suzeorman.com/resource.html
- Save Big on Your Little Ones
- Tight-Wadding with Doris O'Connell
The Cheapskate Monthly http://www.cheapskatemonthly.com
Frugal Living Newsletter http://www.livingfrugal.com/
The Pennypincher Ezine http://www.AllThingsFrugal.com
The Frugal Gazette Monthly Newsletter
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