
A Word from A
"Good Bagels"
- ©
1999, by Cheryl Demas
- When my daughter was three,
I took her out for breakfast one day. We stopped at a bakery
and got milk, coffee and a couple of treats. As she ate her "breakfast"
she said, "Mom, this is the best bagel I've ever had!"
I started to correct her, to tell her that these weren't bagels
at all, but a new thing called donuts -- but then I decided not
to. I would let her go on for awhile longer, thinking that these
"good bagels" were a great new discovery. Now, a year
later, instead of changing her vocabulary, we all call donuts
"good bagels."
- Labels may not
seem important on the surface, but how many times have you described
yourself as "just a mom?" Be careful that you don't
diminish your role as a mom, and if you're a WAHM, as a businesswoman
too. We're breaking new ground here. Not many people are aware
of the opportunities for working from home, and what a great
solution it can be for families today.
- When people
ask "What do you do?" or "Do you work?",
do you find yourself at a loss for words? Have an answer ready,
these questions are great opportunities to enlighten others about
the wonderful world of working at home. To an outsider, it may
appear that you have loads of free time, you are home all day
after all. But how many people know about the frenzy of activity
that goes on behind closed doors? With the Internet, we're able
to communicate with people all over the world. There are moms
who are running huge businesses from their homes, who, on the
surface, appear to be "just a mom."
- So, if you're
a WAHM, don't be afraid to claim your title -- you're a businesswoman,
a business owner. Because, like it or not, labels do matter.
They have an effect on our self-image and the opinions of those
we meet.
- A rose by any
other name may smell as sweet, and a donut doesn't become health
food just by calling it a bagel. But a Work At Home Mom deserves
all the credit she can get. So wear your label proudly -- Mom,
WAHM, whatever you prefer, you deserve it.