
A Word from A
Our Daughters To Work ... or ... Take Our Work To Our Daughters"
- ©
1999, by Cheryl Demas
- The annual "Take Our Daughters To
Work Day" always presents a dilemma to Work At Home Moms.
What's a WAHM to do? If you visit the Ms Foundation's official
web site for "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" you will
see that the day was created to emphasize the importance of girls'
abilities rather than appearance." They go on to say, "We
support all women in their choices to work in or outside of the
home. Take Our Daughters To Work Day is a chance for girls to
see their options."
As an alternative, my oldest
has spent the day at work with her dad, which she enjoyed, but
once was enough. And my kids see the work-at-home option every
day, so seeing what mom does at work isnít anything out
of the ordinary for them. I know work-at-home advice books usually
recommend separating the family and business environments at
home. But this just hasn't been practical or desirable for us.
My kids really enjoy being involved with my business. And they
often give me helpful suggestions too. I think it also minimizes
resentment they might feel towards sharing mom with the business.
They feel ownership of "our" business.
But, I still want to give them
an idea of the different career options they have.
This year we're going to try
something different. My oldest daughter has a plan for her own
web site and business, so I'm going to spend the day helping
her get it started. (Now I'll have Work At Home Kids too?)
As WAHMs, we have a unique situation.
Our kids are getting exposed to business all the time, so I suggest
we use a slightly different motto. We'll be doing what we do
every day ... we "Take Our Work To Our Daughters."