A Word from A
Lipinski, Step Aside"
- ©
1999, by Cheryl Demas
Moms are always looking for ways to save
time. We have so many technological gadgets today that are supposed
to save time and make our lives easier. I don't know about you,
but lately, I've feel like I have no free time. I have all of
the time-saving gadgets, but no free time. What is going on here?
Here's a typical example. My
girls have ice skating classes every Monday morning, followed
by free-skating time. While they're skating, I usually check
voicemail, make phone calls on my cell phone, and try to get
caught up on paperwork. During what I would have considered free
time, in my pre-gadget days, I'm now preoccupied with busywork.
I think my problem and maybe
yours, too, is that I have allowed the technology to rule me,
instead of to serve me.
Remember the days before pagers
and cell phones when we really could get away from it all? I
think we still need those times. I've decided that I've become
a little too connected.
I've realized lately that I don't
have to check my messages every hour, I don't need to respond
to every chain letter email that passes through my mailbox. I
don't have to answer the phone every time it rings. Voicemail
is a great timesaver, I just have to discipline myself to use
it and only check messages when I have the time scheduled. The
same goes for all of my tasks. If I designate time to work on
something, without interruption, and can really concentrate on
the task at hand, I get much more accomplished. And I need to
schedule real free time too, when I don't do anything.
So last week, during free-skate
time, I decided to join my girls on the rink.
I rented skates and then much
to the amazement of my two daughters, slowly skated onto the
ice. Of course I knew that I wasn't the next Tara Lipinski but
I was proud of myself, and I thought I was doing pretty well.
I waved to my 13-year-old daughter, I could tell she was trying
to tell me something, but I couldn't quite hear her I skated
"What?" I yelled to
It sounded like she was saying,
"Mom, be careful you don't fall!"
Oh, that's sweet, how many teenagers
are so concerned for theirmom's safety? I still couldn't quite
hear her so I skated closer. Thistime I heard her loud and clear.
"Mom, You look like a great
big goofball"
Nothing like a teenager to cut
a mom down to size.
I didn't let my goofball status
stop me though, I still had a good time. Actually, in the car
on the way home, my daughter confided that she was actually surprised
that I hadn't fallen and that we should skate together next week
So from now on, if you need to
reach me on Monday morning please just leave a message, I'll
be busy.