Posted by Wendy on April 13, 19100 at 14:05:35:
In Reply to: Re: Helping a fellow En-Parent...Some advice, please. posted by Denise on April 05, 19100 at 22:49:50:
Hi, Denise!
I totally agree! Kids need their parents. That's why I'm a stay-at-home/work-at-home Mom, and that's why my friend is a stay-at-home/work-at-home Mom.
Both of us made the decision to be parents, first, and professionals, second.
I have a virtual office service, and she has three different part-time jobs. The problem, for her, came a few months ago, when money was tight, and she started to feel like, maybe, staying at home with her kids wasn't the best option for her family.
The Happy Ending (at least so far) is that her business, as a distributor for a national company, is doing really well right now. So, with money woes aside, she is able to focus on what made her want to stay home in the first place, and she isn't so concerned with what "society" might think of her or her decision.
Thanks for your encouragement. Sometimes that's all we need to keep going!